•   0393541611
  •   pascoe.vale.ps@education.vic.gov.au

Grade 1/2

What’s happening in Term 2 – 2024

Tuesday 23rd April Parent Helper Session
Wednesday 24th April Curriculum Day (pupil free day)
Thursday 25th April ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Friday 10th May Mother’s Day Stall
Monday 10th June King’s Birthday
Friday 21st June Reports accessible
Monday 24th June Student Led Conferences
TBA Science Incursion/Excursion


In reading, students will be learning to make text connections. Making connections is a critical reading comprehension strategy that helps students make meaning of what they are reading.  When students make connections to the texts that they are reading, it helps them to make sense of what they read, retain the information better, and engage more with the text itself.

We will also be focusing on inferential comprehension. Students will develop their understanding that inferring is ‘something the author want us to know but doesn’t tell us in words.’ Students will read a range of texts and will be encouraged to answer inferential questions using text clues and their prior knowledge. They will continue to take part in small reading groups and in turn complete purposeful reading tasks. We encourage students to continue reading out loud for 15 minutes.


In writing, we will be learning about the narrative and procedural writing genres. Students will be exposed to identifying the introduction, problem and solution of well-known narratives. This term, they will develop their own narratives by using the Writer’s Process to plan, revise, edit and publish their work. They will be immersed in the procedural writing genre and set out their writing to follow the procedural writing structure using appropriate subheadings. For homework, students will be given words based on our classroom spelling program. We also encourage students who are yet to achieve spelling the 100 most used words, to continue working on these.

Maths (number)

In maths, students will continue to practise their skip counting skills by counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and 3’s from 0 and non-zero starting points forwards and backwards. They will work on recognising, representing and understanding numbers up to 1000 in various ways by making, saying, naming, writing, ordering and representing numbers. Towards the end of the term, we will be learning about addition. Students will work on their automatic recall of addition facts. They will also develop their understanding of efficient mental and written strategies including bridging to ten, doubles and near doubles to solve mathematical addition problems.

Maths (applied)

Students will explore two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. They learn about shape attributes, and be able to classify, sort and manipulate them as well as being able to recognise them in their environment. Later in the term we will use materials to explore volume and capacity. Students will compare and order the capacity of containers and be able to justify their results.


In term two, our Inquiry unit is called ‘Mixing Materials’ and the STEM program will support this unit. Students will explore different types of matter through investigation and experiments.


In Social, Emotional Learning (SEL), the students will develop their understanding of ‘Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness’, through participating in the Resilience Project.




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