•   0393541611
  •   pascoe.vale.ps@education.vic.gov.au


Learning and Teaching

At Pascoe Vale Primary, teachers plan together weekly and regular whole school Professional Learning is undertaken. Our teaching and learning focus is school wide development and the implementation of informed, strategic, shared classroom practice to create a positive climate for student learning. Teachers and school leaders demonstrate an openness to learning and commitment to continuous professional development. Building collective efficacy through research based instructional strategies informed by the Department of Education Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) and High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) is a feature of our school. A belief that all students can possess a positive view of themselves as individuals and grow as literate, numerate and curious learners is shared school wide.


Being literate is critical to students’ education, supports development in all curriculum areas and is essential for success at school and beyond.

At Pascoe Vale Primary we achieve a balanced approach to teaching literacy through the following research based practices:

  • Extensive, school wide ongoing assessment and monitoring of the development of all students. Assessment informs our focus on continuous improvement, tailored program planning and delivery to meet student needs
  • Daily explicit teaching of reading, writing and word study strategies
  • Small group instruction in reading and writing allowing for differentiated learning, balanced with whole class, partner and individual learning opportunities
  • Regular opportunities for independent reading and media text exposure to promote critical analysis, dialogic learning through discussion and in depth reading comprehension
  • A whole school approach to teaching reading comprehension, writing, and word study supported by team planning and regular professional learning
  • Explicit research based teaching of vocabulary, to ensure students are developing their oral, written, reading and listening vocabularies across all curriculum areas
  • Extensive library, classroom and online resources to engage students and support them in their learning
  • A positive home – school partnership is fostered through our home reading program, F-2 information sessions, parent helpers program and regular open days.

Ongoing Learning Progress Reports, written mid and end of year reports and student led conferences provide parents with regular updates on student learning.


Our approach to teaching Mathematics is based on the belief that maths is integral to participation in modern society and supports success at school and beyond. The development of student knowledge, mathematical thinking skills and personal confidence is a core focus of Mathematics at Pascoe Vale Primary. Students are encouraged to apply mathematical thinking and make connections between maths and all learning areas.

Our research based approach to teaching maths incorporates the principles of the Department of Education FISO framework and High Impact Teaching Strategies. Our approach to teaching Mathematics includes:

  • Extensive, school wide ongoing assessment and monitoring of the development of all students. Assessment informs our focus on continuous improvement, tailored program development and delivery to meet student needs
  • Daily, explicit teaching of numeracy utilising a school wide model of: a fluency task, targeted launch and differentiate opportunities to explore and explain concepts
  • Whole class modelling and explanations of mathematical processes to promote understanding
  • Small group instruction, allowing for differentiated learning, balanced with whole class, partner and individual learning opportunities
  • Opportunities to explore, revise and embed new understandings through written work, oral work, models and games
  • Opportunities to work with others in cooperative partner and small group learning situations
  • An emphasis on problem solving in order to apply mathematical knowledge in a range of situations, the use of concrete materials in all learning stages and a recognition that while not linear in nature, mathematical learning can be viewed/approached as developmental in nature
  • We recognise the important role parents play in the development of numeracy skills in their children. A positive home- school partnership is fostered through team letter information, work samples provided online and open days.

Ongoing Learning Progress Reports, written mid and end of year reports and student led conferences provide parents with regular updates on student learning.

21 CLD

Inquiry studies at Pascoe Vale Primary is based on four 21 CLD skills comprising:

  • Collaboration
  • Knowledge Construction
  • Self Regulation
  • Skilled Communication

Inquiry incorporates a range of Victorian Curriculum Learning areas including Science, Technologies, The Humanities and Arts. It draws on competencies developed in English, Mathematics and Languages.

Students work in whole class, cooperative small groups and individually to inquire into and explore topics and areas of study. They develop their creative, research and thinking skills to explore “Big Questions” and individual areas of interest within selected topics. Where possible, units of study are aligned to action outcomes and real world problem solving.

Self discipline, independence of thought, application of initiative and an attitude of striving for improvement underpin all learning initiatives at Pascoe Vale Primary and are a particular focus in Inquiry Studies. Students are encouraged and supported to present their individual knowledge and group inquiry outcomes in a range of thoughtful, varied oral and written forms. This includes drama, construction, multi media presentations, and visual arts. As in all learning areas, the utilisation of technology is a highlight/feature as both a learning tool and presentation tool.

The four Victorian Curriculum Capabilities are integral to all school activities, learning and curriculum areas. They particularly come to the fore in Inquiry, supporting students to become active, ethical, aware learners.

The four Victorian Curriculum Capabilities are:

Ethical Capability: understanding concepts and ethical principles and behaviours such as tolerance, freedom and courage

Intercultural Capability: Understanding the nature of cultural diversity and its influence on social cohesion

Personal and Social Capability: self regulation, social awareness and management of emotions, collaborative behaviours and respect towards others

Critical & Creative Thinking: questioning, reasoning, analysing and reflecting critically as a learner


Maths and Numeracy links

ABC Maths | Funbrain | Cool Math 4 kids | Cool Math 4 kids | Math is fun | Khan Academy | Maths Dictionary for Kids

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